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What are FULL Angel Readings?

Angel readings are video recorded Angel Card Readings that are channeled by myself. I draw from multiple card decks (all angel related) as well as my own angel guided intuition to bring you peace of mind. Cards are drawn until I feel as if there are no more needed from that deck (usually 15-25 cards) After all cards are drawn, I pull each card and explain what it means for you. <3 Videos are approximately 45-60 minutes long. Videos are delivered via a private YouTube link usually within 48 hours depending on demand and energy fluctuations. $125
Order Your FULL Angel Readings HERE

What are MINI Angel Readings?
Angel readings are video recorded Angel Card Readings that are channeled by myself. I draw from ONE card deck (all angel related) as well as my own angel guided intuition to bring you peace of mind. Cards are drawn until I feel as if there are no more needed from that deck (usually 5-7 cards) After all cards are drawn, I pull each card and explain what it means for you. <3 Videos are approximately 6-10 minutes long. Videos are delivered via a private YouTube link usually within 24 hours depending on demand and energy fluctuations. $25
Order Your MINI Angel Readings HERE (currently unavailable)


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